Clarmonte/Fiambrera Obrera Madrid
Jordi Claramonte i Arrufat has been working for the last ten years in "La Fiambrera Obrera" Fiambrera is an open group that has been working (hard) intervening in arenas with a high degree of political conflictivity, such as the borders between rich and poor countries, or in (not so) different places like the inner cities of Madrid, Barcelona or Sevilla.
Basically our methods are those of intervention and direct action articulated with other, more conventional, social and political agents, providing graphics, communication devices, and direct action tools and equipments.
Jordi Claramonte i Arrufat is curating "The Agencies" working from Barcelona with the support of the Contemporary Art Museum of Barcelona (MACBA) and trying to offer social movements and networks resources to produce campaigns, counter-information resorts, actions and interventions. He’s been collaborating with other groups such as Rtmark ( or "Kein Mensch ist Illegal" (
He’s been involved in the edition of two books related to public and political art practices: "Manual de la Guerrilla de la Comunicación", Barcelona 2000, and "Modos de hacer: Arte político, esfera pública y acción directa", Salamanca 2001.
He’s an electrician and is preparing a Philosophy Ph.D. under the direction of Simón Marchán Fiz, in the "Departamento de Estética" of the UNED University from Madrid, where he’s working as a researcher.
Basically our methods are those of intervention and direct action articulated with other, more conventional, social and political agents, providing graphics, communication devices, and direct action tools and equipments.
Jordi Claramonte i Arrufat is curating "The Agencies" working from Barcelona with the support of the Contemporary Art Museum of Barcelona (MACBA) and trying to offer social movements and networks resources to produce campaigns, counter-information resorts, actions and interventions. He’s been collaborating with other groups such as Rtmark ( or "Kein Mensch ist Illegal" (
He’s been involved in the edition of two books related to public and political art practices: "Manual de la Guerrilla de la Comunicación", Barcelona 2000, and "Modos de hacer: Arte político, esfera pública y acción directa", Salamanca 2001.
He’s an electrician and is preparing a Philosophy Ph.D. under the direction of Simón Marchán Fiz, in the "Departamento de Estética" of the UNED University from Madrid, where he’s working as a researcher.