kleines postfordistisches Drama/kpD Berlin/Zürich
The group kpD (kleines postfordistisches Drama/small postfordist Drama) draws attention to the social context in which cultural producers presently have to position themselves, given that they are increasingly conventionalized into role models of economic privatization and an economisation of the public. KpD was developed in the framework of the exhibition "Atelier Europa" held in the spring of 2004 at the Kunstverein München and has founding connections with "Be Creative", Zurich 2002, and the "Falsches-Leben-Show" 2001/02 at Prater der Volksbühne.
"Kamera läuft!", Berlin 2004, 32’, is a film by kpD based on 15 lengthy interviews with cultural producers in Berlin on the basis of an updated questionnaire of Italian militant employee inquiries in the 1960s. Through the film, kpD shows that today there is still the need to change living and working conditions and through the situations of those involved, justifies and articulates these wishes and desires. The interviews were for this purpose conducted with precarious cultural creators, shortened and then interpreted by actors in front of the camera in a casting-situation in Zurich.
KpD consists of Brigitta Kuster, Isabell Lorey, Marion von Osten and Katja Reichard.
"Kamera läuft!", Berlin 2004, 32’, is a film by kpD based on 15 lengthy interviews with cultural producers in Berlin on the basis of an updated questionnaire of Italian militant employee inquiries in the 1960s. Through the film, kpD shows that today there is still the need to change living and working conditions and through the situations of those involved, justifies and articulates these wishes and desires. The interviews were for this purpose conducted with precarious cultural creators, shortened and then interpreted by actors in front of the camera in a casting-situation in Zurich.
KpD consists of Brigitta Kuster, Isabell Lorey, Marion von Osten and Katja Reichard.